The digital product passport becomes mandatory

The Digital Product Passport (DPP) has its origins in the ESPR (Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation), which was launched by the EU in March 2022. The aim is to improve recyclability, energy efficiency and environmental sustainability.

What challenges does this process entail and how can the DPP, as an important element, overcome these challenges?

Here you can find out what advantages our BRN.SMART DigitalProductPass offers you in implementing the legal requirements and why the DPP can be more than just a product data sheet for you.

CDO CIO Jonas Kronenberg

Jonas Kronenberg

Chief Digital Officer / Chief Information Officer
+49 202 / 38444 233
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Our solution is:

Auf den Bild ist eine Hand zu erkennen welche ein Smartphone hochhält auf dem eine Informative website über Chino Hosen zu sehen ist.

Transparency creates trust

With the digital product passport, you not only comply with legal regulations, but also actively assume ecological and social responsibility as a brand with your own added value.

Give your customers the opportunity to make informed purchasing decisions. Transparent product information management inspires trust and brings your brand closer to your target group.


+ Present complex information transparently, using your customized layout.

+ Profit from the web-based APP, which allows you location-independent access and smooth data upload.

+ Expand the app with an interface to your ERP system.

Es ist zwei Browserfenster zu sehen, in dem eine Karte angezeigt wird, wo der dazugehörige QR Code überall gescannt wurde.
Es sind zwei Browserfenster zu sehen, womit erklärt wird, welche Informationen alle sichtbar sind - zum Beispiel eine Produktbeschreibung


+ Design your digital product passport individually and modularly.

+ Respond flexibly and promptly to legal requirements at all times.

+ Stay informed about the latest legislative changes.


+ Optimize your processes: We don‘t just offer you the digital service, we can also supply the finished label

+ Use the digital product passport as a direct channel to your customers.

Es werden drei Browserfenster angezeigt. Einmal link oben sind Herrenhosen zu sehen und darunter eine Auflistung der möglichen Informationen, rechts passende Teile zur Hose wie Schuhe und Sakko und mittig ist ein Fenster mit dem digitalen Carelabel zu sehen.

Benefits of BRN.SMART digital product pass

Ein Wolkenicon als Symbolbild für den Stichpunkt SaaS.


Software as a Service
Ein Bild mit 2 Chatsymbolen


Offers individual consulting and an excellent service
Eine Wolke mit Bornemann Logo als Symbolbild dafür dass die Software von Bornemann Programmiert und gehostet wird.

Made by Bornemann

Software made by Bornemann-Etiketten, hosted in Germany
Ein Bild mit einem Schlüsselsymbol

Safety First

Offers the opportunity to prevent product piracy
Ein Bild mit einem Einkaufswagen

Add Ons

Points out product relationships for up- and cross-selling
Ein Bild mit einem Schlüsselsymbol


Includes geotracking of users per product
Auf dem Bild erkennt man ein Icon eines Ritterschilds, mit einem Schloss auf der Mitte

Data security

GDPR compliant


Keeps you informed about changes to the law
Auf dem Bild erkennt man ein Icon eines Würfels, welcher von einem Pfeil umkreist wird

All in One

Full-service package: From app development to label production


Brings your brand to life
Auf dem Bild erkennt man ein Icon einer schnipsenden Hand

Everything at a glance

Visualizes product information via QR codes and/or NFC chips
Ein Symbolbild einer Hand, welche Häkchen in Kästchen macht

Also for non-IT people

Without programming know-how
Proposed Timeline for Digital Product Passes in the EU

Let us find your customized white label solution for the digital product pass today!

The digital product pass - FAQ

  • What is the DPP?

    The new “Digital Product Passport” will provide information on the environmental sustainability of products. This information will be easily accessible by scanning a data carrier and will include attributes such as the durability and reparability, the recycled content or the availability of spare parts of a product. It is intended to help consumers and businesses make informed decisions when purchasing products, facilitate repairs and recycling and improve transparency about the impact of products on the environment during their life cycle. The product passport should also help the authorities to better carry out checks and inspections.

  • Will the Digital Product Passport become mandatory throughout Europe?

    Yes, the Digital Product Passport will become mandatory for the majority of products and services placed on the market within the EU. Companies placing products on the French market are already creating DPPs to ensure compliance with French Decree 2022-748. This will come into force in France between 2023 and 2025. An EU-wide introduction of DPPs is expected from 2026 across Europe, when the requirements of the EU ESPR for various product groups are defined.

  • What information is a mandatory component of a digital product passport?

    A consortium called “CIRPASS” is currently working on the exact design of the product passport. This involves both the technical infrastructure and the information stored. The following points are expected to be mandatory:

    Product identification (product name, model, manufacturer and serial or batch number)
    Materials and ingredients (materials and ingredients used, including quantities and sources)
    Manufacturing and traceability information (including the location of factories, production methods and supply chain traceability information covering the product’s journey from raw materials to the end consumer)
    Environmental impact (data on the product’s carbon footprint, water consumption and other environmental impacts throughout its life cycle, from manufacture to disposal).
    Safety and regulatory compliance information (details on compliance with various safety and environmental regulations, certifications and standards).
    Recycling and disposal (instructions for responsible disposal or recycling of the product at the end of its life, including information on recyclable parts).

    In addition, companies can use the product passport for further marketing purposes.

  • How should companies prepare for the Ecodesign Regulation?

    Although the exact requirements of the Ecodesign Regulation (ESPR) are not yet defined, compliance will inevitably require thorough collection, understanding and management of supply chain data, as well as the coordinated and seamless communication of the various aspects of this data to end users.
    In addition, parallel legal requirements in France (see AGEC Decree 2022-748) already require companies to disclose some information on environmental quality and characteristics to end users, which represents both an obligation and an opportunity for companies to start building their internal capacity now.
    Proactive preparation and a deeper understanding of data management will be critical for companies to meet the expectations of the ESPR and capitalise on the emerging opportunities in the evolving European regulatory landscape.

  • What are the advantages of the digital product passport?

    For consumers, the digital product passport offers, among other things, easy access to detailed product information in order to make sustainable purchasing decisions. They can track the origin, materials and environmental impact of a product, which leads to more responsible purchasing.
    For companies, the DPP offers improved supply chain management and compliance with legal standards. It provides a platform to demonstrate sustainability efforts and practices. Brands can thus meet the increasing demands for resource-saving products.

  • Can I decide on the layout and content in BRN.SMART - DigitalProductPass myself?

    Yes, our software is a white label solution. Our experienced programmers ensure that there are no limits to your creativity and individuality.