brn.SMART - product labels with digital interface

Product labels as an interface to the digital world - take your customers on a journey through your brand world.


Features, additional information on the product, stories, images, films - via a label with QR code, all content is just a "scan" away. Individually adapted to your needs, we also manufacture NFC labels for you and also offer solutions with RFID technology.

Use digital interfaces

Benefits of BRN.SMART



End users are shown information relevant to them directly


Information can be displayed in the user's native language, for example


Reach your target group with clear information about the product


Design in your CI! Customers do not notice that they are on the Bornemann server


There are various implementation and material options


Geared towards the future, when care labels no longer have to be displayed in text form

QR with white-label solution

Unimaginable for us, but even the softest care label is often removed from clothing. So all important information about washing intructions for your garment are not available anymore. With the small QR-Code you always have all important information in a smart, clear and user-friendly way available. Via a language selection the consumers will only see their own language. Furthermore you can place add-ons and advertising. Let us create your personal solution together!


Much to say, little space - for you as a brand it will increasingly important to provide your customers with extensive provide information about your product. Where do the materials of my garment come from? What is the best way to combine the outfit? Since when does the brand actually exist, and what distinguishes them? Our QR labels give you the perfect opportunity to your customers with your brand stories inspire. The code is the interface to the digital world. This works woven, printed, in Plastic or as a transfer. You decide where You want to place your content, we take care of it for the implementation!

Webetikett mit dem B-Green Logo und einem QR Code aufgedruckt
Silikonlabel in Grün mit Aufschrift

NFC (Near Field Communication)

The NFC technology is currently the most common contactless payment used. Not just smartphones but also more and more credit cards or other payment cards have this technology. But it can also be used in the textile industry are and will be, for example, in stickers or Plastic labels processed. By reading with a mobile device can so contact data, a protected network or a URL become.

RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification)

Labels with an RFID solution make this possible contactless saving and reading out of individual specific data. Each of your items will receive one individual tag and can be so based on a number be identified. Products are easier to track and inventories done quickly. The technology facilitates processes along the entire Product cycle, especially in the logistics area. There are different types and types of production Implementation options. Talk to us and together we will find the best solution for you.

QR Code für Whitelabel

What story do you want to enthrall your customers with?

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Develop directly on application examples and save time and material.

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